Former Speakers for TAG
— Nancy Alcorn
— Lyndon Allen
— Dr. Michael Brown
— Don Finto
— Dr. Alveda King
— Maggie Kollen
— David Kubol
— Bob Perry
— Representative from Jay Sekulow’s
American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ)
— Larry Tomczak
— Melanie Tomczak
We invite you to invest 60 minutes from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at TAG meetings to receive an impartation from local and national leaders so you gain awareness of today’s critical issues and are equipped to play a part in God’s intention for a genuine, heaven-sent awakening.
NOTE: This represents only a partial list of godly servant-leaders who unite in agreement with the TAG initiative. If you are a leader, resist any whispering of the enemy that you were “left out…forgotten…not consulted or approached.” May nothing hold anyone back from involvement in this urgent time.