

TAG’s Declaration is a vital part of who, why, and what TAG Is.

Recognizing that we are engaged in a titanic struggle with forces of evil, we choose to be an informed, discerning and courageous people of faith. We share a conviction that apathy, indifference and ignorance are unacceptable and retreat is not an option considering what is at stake—our faith, families and future. Consecrating our lives afresh to Jesus as Lord, we do not want to compromise in our generation, neglect our God-given cultural mandate (Genesis 1:28 and Matthew 28:16) or become marginalized and ineffective in the public square. Embracing our call to be “salt” and “light” amidst today’s cultural crisis, we need to come together in unity and a spirit of humility to gain awareness of today’s pressing issues from a Biblical world view; pray fervently for another Great Awakening; and purpose to declare the gospel and unchanging scriptural truths in a clear, compelling and charitable way.

We respect and pray for the spiritual leaders of our city and thank God they “watch over our souls as those who will give an account” (Hebrews 13:17). We trust they will experience renewed boldness in their lives and set an example for us and our families. Let’s recall the famous words of John Adams honoring the pastors and spiritual leaders who spearheaded the First Great Awakening and American Revolution: “the pulpits have thundered” and certain ministers were among “the most ardent and influential” in the “awakening and a revival of American principles and feelings” that led to American independence. May God do so again in our generation.